Life of a Tourist

When we visit to their villages, they always ask us why these people (foreigners) are coming here. I explain them that they are tourists and they are here as travellers to see things which they do not get to see in their day today life. Still the folks in the village do not understand why someone need to TRAVEL as for them life is limited to their field; block office (for rice), weekly market , local hospital max.

We sponsored a trip for These folks from our adopted village near our camp DESIA to experience the life as a Tourist as they come first time out of their normal life, first time in train, first time by the sea or at a Temple of such magnitude like Puri – Konark and lucky to witness the rituals inside the temple as God returns home after Ratha Yatra.(spl thanks to my friend Nata babu and Soumendra Priyadarshi).

We are privileged to have this opportunity to show them another world and enjoyed each moment as they enjoyed their life as a Tourist.

NOW they are back in home and hope they can understand why people Travel!!!!!They can understand tourism better than before.


Desia Merit Scholorship

With effective from education year 2014-15, we have introduced Desia Merit Scholorship for poor and merit girl and boy student at high school level . Four such Desia Merit Scholorship has been announced to start with where each student will receive a financial assistance of Rs 4000 per year.

The number of scholarship may increase based on our earning or sponsorship.

Week End Classes

We intend to sponsor a local teacher to have weekend extra classes to the students at medium school level to prepare them for school. Apart from the salary to the teacher we provide space at Desia for such extra classes.

Dance & Music

The tribes are known for their own music and dance. But due to the influence of modern living, slowly these local music and dances are being replaced by bollywood. We at Desia sponsor local youths to play traditional music and invite them on regular basis to share their talent with our guests. We also provide financial assistance to the youths to buy such musical instruments.

Capacity Building Training

In order to make the team trained on tourism related services , we have selected five girls and three boys from the local community who were admitted at Primer Institute of Hotel Management and Catering at Puri for a Govt sponsored training programme Honur Se Rozgar Yojana where they were trained on house keeping and service.After completion of the training, the team was was also given more practical training at leading hotels like Mayfair, Chariot and Wildgrasss.

This training not only brought them a job at Desia but also helped a lot to build confidence as for the first time in their life they went out of their village and got a good exposure on tourism.


Craft Training Center

We intend to start a craft training center for the local youths which can be an tool for their livelihood. We focus at their lost tribal crafts such as basket making , terracotta, Dhokra, Textile etc and with guidance of senior artists/experts we intend to develop design and market links.

This craft training center can be also an interesting outlet for our guests who like to learn a craft or lend a helping hand. (under construction)
At a first phase we had a training Workshop on Jewellary Making where more than 10 local girls participated and received training from famous Designer and Artist Ms Anita from Kolkatta. As a follow up, three girls are selected who will go to Kolkata to take more lesson with Ms Anita which may bring a new livelihood for them by being in village and with displaying their work at Desia.


Koraput valley is the only place in India which has been recognized by United Nation for their indigenous knowledge of agriculture with GIAHS award.( Globally Important Agricultural Heritage Systems ). Desia is surrounded with villages of such Mali community who have specialization on farming of vegetables and other corps.
But due to lack of proper marketing linkage and technological knowledge, they donot get a good benefit for their hard work.

We at Desia intend to bring them such support like market linkage, technological intervention such as modern equipments etc with the help of experts. Also we like to assist the local farmers to make the end use of their product such as making oil, honey, pickles etc under the mode of Self Help Group and micro credit.



DESIA Encourages plantation of Fruit Bearing Plants at the villages nearby. Hence we intend to distribute 500 numbers of mango trees on 5th Of June as to mark World Environment Day.

Plastic Free Weekly Market

It is observed that the culture of use of polythin has already touched to the weekly markets (haat) which leads to a very unpleasant condition for the beautiful green valley. We at DESIA intend to make awareness campaign among the local tribes and other community about the danger of such use of polythin which is non biodegradable.

At first phase we intend to adopt the neighboring weekly haat at GUNEIPADA to make the same plastic free. Along with the awareness campaign through street play , we shall distribute 200 cotton bags to the local community. Based on the reaction and result, we may extend the same to Onakadeli weekly market.